Video – SIA A380 landed at London Heathrow

Today Singapore Airlines (SIA) started its A380 service between Singapore and London. A few hours ago, the inaugural flight SQ308 touched down for the first time at London Heathrow.
The aircraft will return to Singapore today, operating as SQ319, departing Heathrow at 18:55. (see schedule)

Watch this great video, featuring the landing of SQ308 and taxiing to the gate, greeted by a water canon salute!

Further videos:

Landing at London Heathrow from inside the A380:

Water canon greeting from inside the A380:

A380 pushback:

A380 leaving LHR:

2 thoughts on “Video – SIA A380 landed at London Heathrow”

  1. Lovely videos! Thanks for posting them, especially the ones of it leaving LHR. I was the co-pilot for the flight out of LHR and I must say it was extremely exciting seeing all those lights and people watching us push back. The atmosphere was absolutely electrifying!!

    It’s a great airplane!!


  2. I guess it’s neat to watch. But I am still a believer in that airbuses are flying junkpiles. They end up in the boneyards long before a Boeing or Bombardier airframe would.
    NW a320’s at Marana, Arizona on pallets with 20,000-25,000 hours. American was flying 707’s with 60,000 hours before the advent of the 757,767 and 777.