This Sikorsky Piasecki X-49A “Speedhawk” flight test video has emerged on YouTube. Piasecki Aircraft is near the end of its initial test run of the X-49A vectored thrust-ducted propeller (VDTP) compound helicopter, a modified Sikorsky H-60. By late October the Sikorsky Piasecki X-49A “Speedhawk” did 24 test flights with a total of 19 hours flight time. [Source]
Link: More information about the Sikorsky Piasecki X-49A Speedhawk
It will be interesting to see if and how the US Army will use this strange ugly bird. Maybe it will be used for some MEDEVAC missions. It will be difficult to fly for sure, with this heavy propeller engine mounted on its tail.
The prop is mounted in the tail.. the engine placement is currently the same as the Blackhawk. No harder to fly.
Sikorsky has nothing to do with this project. This was a mod of their airframe and drive train without their assistance or contribution.