Review – AviaFilms Aircraft Cockpit Videos

I came across a new website offering great aircraft cockpit videos for purchase. provides various videos from Boeing 737 to Cessna 152 and even some rare cockpit action like amazing aerobatics in a LET L13 glider or a 737EFIS full motion simulator.
Aviafilms I purchased their newest video “The B737 Cockpit vs. Simulator + Bonus: Special New Video“. That’s one video with 43 minutes + a nice 8 minute bonus video and about 10 photos including some wallpapers for just $14.95! The whole package comes as a handy download.
The videos are of good quality in a resolution of 1024×576 pixel and stereo sound.

The main video features two legs in a Boeing 737-300 Classic cockpit including startup preparation, walk around, departures, approaches and landings. Every second of the video you’ll get the full cockpit action since the videographer always focuses on the used switches and important instruments. Also included is a Boeing 737 EFIS simulator flight doing cross wind approaches and landings + some crazy aerobatics. Did you ever want to see a 737 doing loops and barrel rolls? Cockpit view? That’s your chance!

The bonus video features a winterly visual B737 landing and aerobatics in a Czech LET L-13 Blanik, including winch launch and landing – of course all from cockpit view.

There’re many more great videos on offer. Just have a look for yourself at